LakeNet AS was established in 1995 and were among the first commercial Internet Service Providers in Norway (see also: information in Norwegian). Our location is Gjøvik, by 'Mjøsa' - Norways largest inland lake (pictured above). Some more local area images.
We provide registry-services and DNS for the .no country TLD, as well as the 'generic' TLDs. For registry/DNS, contact For hosting, email and consulting services, contact
When we started out, our main focus was to provide services for our local area. The lake is part of out inland identity, and it has also served as a connecting waterway for the surrounding area.
We were amused to see that we were not alone i choosing a name connecting us both to the local identity and the global (inter-) net.
Most of the other 'Lake' internet providers no longer exist or have been absorbed by larger providers. This includes: in Lake County, Minnesota ('Connecting You to the World.'), ('Your On-Ramp to the Information Superhighway from Lake County and Northeast Ohio!'), 'Bringing Lake County to the World & the World to Lake County.' (California), 'LakeNet Internet - Providing access to Manitowoc and Surrounding Communities' (Wisconsin) and 'The information connection for Lake County, Indiana'.
In Germany preserves the historical record: A cool URI is one which does not change (Tim BL 1998). Thanks bylo and hafner! (Switzerland) is still active.
In the beginning, the internet was english to most minds. Today the internet is as much local, both in language and content, as it is global. While some of the original 'lake + net' providers are history, we are sure that a 'lake' identity exists in a multitude of languages and domains.